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Student Council

We are students of the subject areas

  • Computer Science
  • Mikrosystemtechnik (MST)
  • Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE)
  • Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE)

at the Faculty of Engineering (TF) of the University of Freiburg, in all study programs (Bachelor, Master, …).

What does the student counil do? #

We represent the interests of students in various committees and thus help to improve teaching. We also shape campus life: Among other things, the student council organizes Freshman Week and Erstihütte, the Christmas lecture, the faculty festival and many smaller events.
If you have any questions or problems relating to your studies, we are always ready to listen - you can send us an mail or drop by the student council room with your concerns.
You will also find some information our website that will make studying at TF easier for you. In our Exam Database  you will find a a collection of exercise sheets, exams and exam protocols.

How can I get involved? #

Just drop by the student council room - preferably at the student council meeting, but you can usually meet a few student council members there during the week. We are always happy to hear about new ideas and helping hands who would like to help organize events. Not sure if you have enough time for student council work? Don’t worry, you you don’t commit to anything and can decide for yourself in which areas of the student council you want to get involved. would like to do.In Hedgedoc  you can work collaboratively with other students.

Who is part of the student council? #

Basically, all students at the TF are part of the student council - here you can find an (incomplete) overview of a few active members of the student council.

Student council meeting #

The student council meets on Mondays at 6 p.m. c.t. in the student council room in building 51, room 00-028 (first floor, center)  . During the lecture period, the meetings are weekly, otherwise usually every two weeks (the exact dates can be found in the calendar on the homepage). Everyone is cordially invited to these meetings! You can just drop by, even if you are not actively involved with us. want to participate. You can also contact us with any problems or concerns also feel free to write us an email.

Contact: #

You can find our e-mail and postal address and social media at Contact.

Last modified on April 4, 2024 by felix
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