Home / Student council / Awareness
we’re the Awareness-Team and you can always count on us for…
… Our Atention for anything that you want to tell us
… Space for things that you want us to be aware of
… collaborative dialogue about things that concern you in your everyday lives
… Handling your problems with confidentiality
If you yourself experience or witness things that bother or concern you, you don’t have to keep that to yourself. If you want to talk about it and/or need support, you can turn to us. We are here for you!
We are contacts for issues like sexual assault, discrimination, racism, sexism, and other (conflict) situations. We are here to listen and help you reach out to appropriate support services if needed. Everything is done confidentially and, if you prefer, anonymously. We will only take action that you agree to.
As part of the awareness team, we take on a role that’s focussed on the affected person, in which we take you seriously, believe you and set aside our personal biases. You can also always ask to speak to someone else in our Team if you dont feel comfortable with and helped by the person you’re currently talking to. You can approach us directly at the university or email us all at awareness@fachschaft.tf, or just one of us.
We have also compiled a list of advice centres in Freiburg that can provide you with professional help.
The Team: #
Hanna (she/they) #

Hanna Kaub, Bachelor SSE - Hanna-awareness@fachschaft.tf
Tobi (he/they) #

Tobias Aranda Fehrenbach, Bachelor Computer Sience - Tobi-awareness@fachschaft.tf
Chris (they/she) #

Chris Sokull, Bachelor SSE - Chris-awareness@fachschaft.tf
Birk (he/him) #

Birk Ramin, Master Computer Sience - Birk-awareness@fachschaft.tf