Home / Student council / Representation of interests

Representation of Interests

by Julian Mundhahs

We represent your interests in so many committees that it’s easy to lose track. Here is a list with all the committees in which we represent your interests and the respective representatives. If you have any concerns write us an email or come to a meeting.

Student representatives are usually elected for one academic year. The academic year runs from October 01 to to September 30 of the following year. The academic year 2025 comprises the winter semester 2024/25 and the summer semester 2025.

  • Faculty council
  • Studienkommission
  • Examination committee
  • Student council (StuRa)

Your representatives on the faculty council  for the academic year 2025 are:

Your representatives on the Studienkommission  for the academic year 2025 are:

Your representative on the examination committee  for the academic year 2025:

  • Vincent Kataiko

Your representatives on the student council  for the academic year 2025 are:

  • Hans Albert
  • Nyla Rafiq
  • Lilian Rusgiarto
  • Leander Bürkin 
  • Christian Niklas Sokull
  • Vincent Kataikko
  • Emil Obert
  • Fabian Womann
Last modified on December 5, 2024 by Ioannis Nezis
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