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Master Freshman Week 2024

Program #

Bonfire #

For the first event, we get together around a campfire. Plain and simple.
When: 08.04. around 6pm

Where: On the lawn in front of the campus:

You don’t really need to worry about anything to prepare.
Bring some good vibes, we will take care of something to drink and burn.
We don’t provide any food.

Please dont leave any trash!
We want to be able to host more events on the Campus area.


When: 09.04. around 4pm

Where: On the lawn in front of the campus.

Please bring your own food. We provide drinks in return for a small donation. Please bring your own dishes if possible.

Pub-Crawl #

When: 10.04. at 6.30pm

Where: We meet in front of the theater (Stadttheater) 

Boardgame Evening #

When: 11.04. at 5pm

Where: We will meet in the Fachschaftsraum (Building 51, Room 00-028)

We will play boardgames we have in our room. You can play more complex games or just a simple card game.
You can also bring your own ones, if you like!

All fun and games #

When: 12.04. at 2pm

Where: On the lawn in front of the campus.

We’ll play some games outside like Volleyball, Spikeball, Kubb,…
You’re also welcome to just come by and enjoy the sun! We’ll take care of something to drink.

Chess Evening #

When: 13.04. at 5pm

Where: In building 51, room 03-026

We’ll have an evening, where we play chess. You don’t need to bring boards, we have plenty of those.
We’ll take care of something to drink!

First Fachschafts Sitzung #

When: 15.04. at 6pm

Where: We will meet in the Fachschaftsraum (Building 51, Room 00-028)

We represent the interests of students in various committees and thus help to improve teaching.
We also shape campus life: Among other things, the student council organizes Freshman Week and Erstihütte,
the Christmas lecture, the faculty festival and many smaller events. If you have any questions or problems relating to your studies, we are always ready to listen - you can send us an mail or drop by the student council room with your concerns.
Everyone is cordially invited to these meetings! You can just drop by, even if you are not actively involved with us.

Last modified on July 30, 2024 by Ioannis Nezis
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