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Coming to Freiburg

Under construction #

You can find our contact details here.

Welcome to Freiburg #

We want to wholeheartedly welcome you to Freiburg im Breisgau. Freiburg is one of the sunniest and nicest cities in Germany with over 20.000 students (10% of the population). In this text we want to provide you with a short list of information to get started in Freiburg.

Housing #

Housing is known to be hard to find in Freiburg. Due to the weather, proximity to Switzerland and various other aspects it is an attractive place of residence for many people.

The ‘Studierendenwerk Freiburg’ (SWFR) provides dorms for students. They have either shared apartments for 2 to 12 students or you can try to apply for a single apartment. All details on how to apply for a student dorms place can be found here  .

If you are looking for a shared apartment within the city of Freiburg or did not succeed getting an apartment with the SWFR. You can try to use wg-gesucht.de  which is a platform on which students offer their shared apartments.

You can also try to look for an apartment on your own via the local advertising papers. Namely schnapp.de and zypresse.de have to be mentioned. Don’t be surprised that at an open viewing of the apartment quite some people will show up.

Getting to know people #


Official bureaucracies you have to do #

There will be an official introduction on how and where you have to register living in Freiburg. You can ask at the Deans Office who to ask for these information. Unfortunately we are not experts on this subject regarding international students.

Important services by the Fachschaft #

  • You can contact us if you have any problem in the University which you can not solve on your own. We will try our best to help you. Note: Sometimes we get a lot mails and some emails are lost, don’t hesitate to send the same mail again. Eventually somebody will answer. You can also come to the common room.
  • We provide an unofficial exam database  . In which you can look for old exams which took place. Despite the fact that some professors contribute to it, it is largely based on the students participation. If you took an exam, we encourage you to create a mind protocol, ask for a copy of the exam, or just a raw sketch and upload it to the database.
  • We have a binding machine in the common room which you can use to bind your thesis.

You want to improve something #

If you want to improve some of the information mentioned on this page or extend the ‘Internationals’ section of our homepage please shoot us a message. You can find the full contact details here.

Last modified on July 17, 2024 by Julian Mundhahs
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