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What Is Fachschaft

Learn all about who we are, what we do and how to contact us #

The student council of the Faculty of Engineering is the study association of all students studying Computer Science, Micro Systems Engineering, Embedded Systems Engineering, Sustainable Systems Engineering or any other programm you can study at the Faculty. Every student at the Faculty is by law member of the student council and can contribute to events, representation of students’ interests in commissions and other things.

During lecture time (and sometimes also during non-lecture time) we have a weekly meeting of the student council in building 51 00-028. The meetings serve to communicate news about academic and non-academic topics, discuss students' opinions and ideas, and to plan and organize new events and projects - such as the Day of the Faculty, Board Game evenings, the Christmas lecture, and many more. Everyone is invited to participate in these meetings and influence the student councils views and positions. However, the meetings are mostly in German, but we would like to also provide some additional meetings in English, so please come in and ask for a meeting or part of the meetings to be held in English.

You can always see which topics are currently on the agenda for the next upcoming meeting. The list of topics is provided on https://fachschaft.tf/de/fachschaft/sitzungen/  . If you want to add your own topic to the agenda you can send an email to fs@fachschaft.tf and somebody will take care of it.

At the moment the meetings take place on Mondays starting at 6 pm ct in the Common Room (Building 51 00-028).

Last modified on July 17, 2024 by Julian Mundhahs
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