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Printing in the Computer Pool

by Julian Mundhahs

The computer pool has color and black and white printers available for student use. You have a monthly budget of 6€ for printing with these printers. Black and white pages cost 5ct each and colored pages cost 10ct per page. Theses can be printed via the Poolmanagers outside of this budget. Contact in advance to print your thesis. A b/w page is 5ct, coloured pages are 10ct each.

You can print remotely or directly from the computer in the pool. The printed pages have to be retrieved by you in both cases. In the following we will show how you can print a document from you own computer.

  1. Copy the document to your pool account with scp.
  2. Login to the pool with ‘ssh’ and then sign onto a physical computer.
  3. Print the document with lpr.

These 3 steps could then look like this:

 1# Copy the document to your pool account
 2scp {datei} {tf-kuerzel}@login.informatik.uni-freiburg.de:~
 3# SSH to the pool login server
 4ssh {tf-kuerzel}@login.informatik.uni-freiburg.de
 5# SSH to a physcial machine from the login server.
 6# The physical machines go from 01 to 63. You might need to try some until you find one that is on.
 7# It seems like this line can also be skipped.
 8ssh tfpool{nn}
 9# Print the document. {printer} is the name of the printer from the table below.
10lpr -P {printer} {datei}

or as a oneliner:

1cat {filename}.pdf | ssh {tf-login}@login.informatik.uni-freiburg.de "lpr -P tfppr1"

Available printers #

NameColourPrinting SpeedModel
tfppr1b/w35 p/mRicoh MP 3554
tfppr2Color38 p/mHP Color LaserJet Enterprise M553
tfppr3b/w45 p/mHP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M528
tfppr4Color56 p/mHP Color LaserJet Enterprise M653

Further commands #

Once you are on a physical machine you can execute further commands related to printing. You are on a physical machine once you have executed all steps above except the last one (’lpr’).

  • The currently remaining budget can be queried with lpquota (this doesn’t appear to be working at the moment, use methode below).
  • The queue of a printer can be queried with lpq -P {printer}.
  • You can cancel your own print jobs with lprm -P {printer} {JobNr}. The job number can be retrieved with lpq.


Check Printing budget #

You can check your remaining budget at the website https://poolcups.informatik.intra.uni-freiburg.de  .
There you can also see your print jobs.
Use your poolaccount to login.

Last modified on November 22, 2024 by Ioannis Nezis
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