Below we explain some of the most important terms you might encounter here at the faculty or while studying in general.
A #
- Academic advisory
- AKA = Akademischer Filmclub. Student-run art house cinema. Movies are shown in a lecture hall for €1,50
- AStA : the executive comittee of the student representation at university
- Attest (german). If you are unable to attend an exam due to illness, you have to send a certificate of your illness to the prüfungsamt within 3 days of the missed exam. This certificate has to be filled out by a doctor on a specific form.
B #
C #
- Coffee vending machines: one in building 101
- Copy machine: you find a copy machine in building 52 on the third floor, in building 101 on the second floor and in the first floor of building 103. All these machines allow you to pay with your UniCard. There are also printers available in the computer pool.
- Computer pool = computer lab. Located in building 076. You can find printers, computers and tables with monitors there. Commonly only refered to as the Pool.
D #
- Deans office of the TF consists of the dean, the vice dean and the deans of studies. The dean runs the faculty, the dean of studies is responsible for all teaching and studies
E #
- ERASMUS, website of the faculty , the international office and the european commission
- Klausurendatenbank
- Examination committee : responsible for the administration of everything around exams. Response might take some time. See also Dealing with the examination office and coomittee (german)
F #
- Fachschaft der Technischen Fakultät : student council at the technical faculty
- Official website of the city Freiburg
G #
H #
- Hochschulsport : student sports. The Hochschulsport provides a diverse sports programme for students at an affordable price but a limited number available of places.
I #
- IMTEK : Institute of Micro Systems Engineering. It is one of the three institutes at the TF. The study programs Micro Systems Engineering and Embedded System Engineering are at home here.
- IIF : Institute of Computer Science. It is one of the three institutes at the TF. The Computer Science programs are at home here.
- INATECH : Institute of Sustainable Technical Systems
- International Office : responsible for students coming to Freiburg from abroad and students going abroad
J #
- Jump and Twist: Art in and around building 101
K #
L #
- Learning Agreement : form for erasmus students that specifies which lectures will be recognised in Freiburg for your lectures done abroad during ERASMUS.
- Library at the TF
M #
- Mathematical Institute
- Mensa food menu
- Modulhandbuch: specifies what you have to do pass lectures. The information in the modulhandbuch are binding for the lecture. More information can be found in the Modulhandbuch article (german)
N #
- Nightline-Freiburg : informational and help-line by students for students
O #
P #
- Poolmanager takes care of problems in the computer pools
- Institut of Physics
- Printing in the computer pool
Q #
R #
- Rechenzentrum der Uni : provides the basic IT infrastructure for the university
- Renewal of Matriculation
S #
- Semesterticket : public transit ticket for students valid in freiburg and its surroundings. It is valid for one semester.
- Studentenwerk (SWFR) : is responsible for assisting in social matters of student life. Operates the dormitories and the mensas (cafeterias).
- Studienkoordination (study coordination) at the TF
T #
- TF-Account: your user account from the TF. You can use the computers in the pool with it and print in the computer pool. It also comes with a mail account via which you will receive important mails, e.g. from the examination office.
- Technische Fakultät : technical faculty, the 11th faculty of the University Freiburg, situated a little bit outside of Freiburg near the airport.
U #
- Universitätsbibliothek : university library
- Unicard: you can pay for food in the mensa with it and get access to some buildings like the pool
V #
- Verfasste Studierendenschaft: the body that represents all student interests within the university
- Vorlesungsverzeichnis : the course catalog contains all lectures that are held in the current semester.
W #
- Elections for the various committees the students are represented in. The elections usually take place in July.
- Workshop is available free of charge to all students of the university
- WLAN at the University
X #
Y #
Z #
- Zentrale Studienberatung der Uni : central academic counseling from the university
Last modified on
November 29, 2024
Ioannis Nezis
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